Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Pauline Dewi Triani (RSA1C110004)


SKS                             : 2
DOSEN                      : Dr. Syamsurizal, M.Si
WAKTU                     : 22-29 Desember 2012

1.      Jelaskan dalam jalur biosintesis triterpenoid, identifikasilah faktor-faktor penting yang sangat menentukan dihasilkannya triterpenoid dalam kuantitas yang banyak.
Jawab :
Triterpenoids consisting of frame with 3 cyclic 6 which joined cyclic 5 or 6 units in the form of four cyclic isoprene biosynthesis and is derived from the C-30 acyclic hydrocarbons, ie skualena, these compounds are colorless, crystalline, high melting point and is optically active have specific functional groups on the cyclic. While naming further simplified by giving the numbering on each carbon atom, thus facilitating the determination of the substituents on each carbon atom.
Triterpenoid usually found in shark liver oil, vegetable oil (olive oil) and there is also ditemukandalam seprimitif sphagnum plants but the most common is the seed plants, free and glycosides. Triterpenoids have been used as medicinal herbs for diabetes, menstrual disorders, pecks snake, skin disorders, liver damage, and malaria.

Terpenoids is a form of compounds with structures derived from isoprene units (C5) are coupled in the model head to tail, whereas isoprene units derived from acetic acid metabolism by mevalonic acid pathway

Mevalonic acid pathway
The mechanism of the reaction steps of terpenoid biosynthesis is activated by acetic acid as coenzyme A did produce acid Claisen type condensation asetoasetat. Compounds produced by the condensation of acetyl coenzyme A did produce aldol type branched carbon chains as found in mevalinat acid, subsequent reactions are fosforialsi, elimination of phosphoric acid and dekarboksilasimenghasilkan isopentenyl (IPP) dimethyl allyl yangselanjutnya berisomerisasi be piropospat (DMAPP) by enzimisomeriasi. IPP as isoprene unti actively joined the head to ekordengan DMAPP and this merger is the first step to produce isoprene daripolimerisasi terpenoid.Penggabungan This happens because the attack IPPterhadap electron from the double bond carbon atoms from electron-deficient DMAPP followed olehpenyingkiran pyrophosphate ion generating geranil.pirofosfat (GPP) for all compounds yaitusenyawa the next monoterpenoid.Penggabungan between the IPP and GPP unti the same result menaismeyang Farnesil pyrophosphate (FPP) which is seskuiterpenoid senyawaantara for all compounds. Diterpenoid compounds derived dariGeranil-geranil Pyrophosphate (GGPP) derived from the condensation between one untiIPP and GPP by the same mechanism

Terpenoida a wide range of structures arising as a result of subsequent secondary reactions such as hydrolysis, isomerization, oxidation, reduction and cyclization over-geranil, farnesil-and-geranil geranil pyrophosphate.
In general, the biosynthesis of terpenoids occurred three basic reactions are:
1. Formation of active isoprene derived from acetic acid via mevalonic acid.
2. Merging head and tail of two isoprene units to form mono-, seskui-, di-. Sester-, and poly-terpenoids.
3. The incorporation of the tail and the tail unit C-15 or C-20 produces triterpenoids and steroids.

2.      Jelaskan dalam penentuan struktur flavonoid, kekhasan signal dan intensitas serapan dengan menggunakan spektrum IR dan NMR. Berikan dengan contoh sekurang-kurangnya dua struktur yang berbeda.
Examples of flavonoid structure breadfruit leaves and bark
The molecular structure of compounds 1 and 2 are set based on the results of the analysis of spectroscopic data, covering the spectrum of UV, IR, and NMR. UV spectrum measured in solution using methanol solvent,
with sliding reagent NaOH. IR spectra determined in the solid state KBr pellets, and the NMR spectrum
measured in the solvent CDCl3 and acetone-d6.

UV spectrum of compound 1 showed absorption maximum at λmaks 206, 232 (shoulder), 277, 314 nm, which corresponds to the substituted benzoyl chromophore, and shows a shift batokromik the addition of NaOH solution, which means the free phenol in the chromophore. IR spectrum of compound 1 showed a hydroxyl functional group (νmaks 3401 cm-1), alkyl (νmaks 2923 and 2855 cm-1), conjugated carbonyl (νmaks 1633cm-1), and aromatic (1496 cm-1). 13C NMR spectrum of compound 1 (Fig. 2) shows 25 signals yangterpisah well to 25 carbon atoms, which consist of a conjugated carbonyl carbon (δC 204.1 ppm), 16 and 8 carbon-carbon sp2-sp3. Having regard to the intensity of the signal, 16-sp2 carbon dapatdirinci consists of 4 = CO-(oksiaril), 5 = C (quaternary) -, and 7 = CH (metin aromatic / alkene), while 8-sp3 carbon divided into 5 C- methylene and 3 C-methyl. Based on the knowledge of phytochemicals Artocarpus, and with regard to the types of carbon, it can be suggested that compound 1 is a dihidrokalkon containing four hydroxyl groups and one group geranil. Structural units contained in one further compound identified by the signals of protons in the 1H NMR spectrum (Table 1). 1H NMR spectrum of compound 1 showed a signal at δH 12.85 ppm for the-OH group terkelasidengan-C = O, two triplet signals of two methylene groups in the δH 3.11 and 2.97 ppm for two gugusmetilen-α and-β from dihidrokalkon, and the number of signals corresponding to one unit geranil (sinyalsinyalpada δH 5.17, 5.02, 3, 40, 2.08, 2.06, 1.79, 166,
1.57 ppm). In addition, the analysis of signals in the aromatic region shows the unit 1,2,3,4 -
tetrasubstitusi benzene (δH 6.71 and 6.65 ppm) and 2,4-gu-gus dihidroksibenzoil (δH 7.58, 6.37 and 6.35 ppm). Having regard to the value of shear proton chemical signals of two aromatic units, it was concluded that compound 1 is 2-geranil 2 ', 4' ,3,4-tetrahidroksidihidrokalkon. 13C NMR data comparisons (Table 1) between the isolated compound 1 with those reported showing compliance
high (Patil et al., 2002). It can be concluded that 2-geranil-2 ', 4' ,3,4-tetrahidroksidihidrokalkon designated as compound 1.

UV and IR spectrum of compound 2 is similar to the UV and IR spectra of compounds 1, which means that the compound 2 also has substituted benzoyl chromophore.

3.      Dalam isolasi alkaloid, pada tahap awal dibutuhkan kondisi asam atau basa. Jelaskan dasar penggunaan reagen tersebut, dan berikan contohnya sekurang-kurangnya tiga macam alkaloid.
for example caffeine in tea
Alkaloid testing reagents used meyer and dragendroff basically using nature alkaloid-reactive heavy metals. In this case, meyer reagents containing heavy metals Bi (bismuth) and reagent dragendroff heavy metals Pb (lead). Evidence of the presence of alkaloids in the sample, especially by looking at the presence of a clot or precipitate after the reaction between the sample and reagent meyer or dragendroff. In reagent meyer, if there are alkaloids, alakaloid will react with bismuth so agglomerate and settle in a yellow precipitate. In dragendroff reagent, if there are alkaloids, alkaloids react with lead so that agglomerate and settle in sediments dark red or brownish red.
The observation of mixing extracts C. sinensis sinensisdengan both reagents showed high levels of alkaloids contained in the extract .. In reaction to the reagent meyer, mix seemed murky and there endapat yellow. Also, look at his reaction to the reagent dragendroff indicating deposition reaction, the presence of alkaloids in the extracts properties are also increasingly likely. Based alakloid properties can be determined that it is true is an alkaloid extracted caffeine type.

examples of white oyster mushroom

regarding the content of alkaloid compounds found in oyster mushrooms
white. A total of 160 grams of powder white oyster mushroom basified with a solution
weak base, ammonia 10%, until the powder submerged (volume ± 300 ml),
then macerated using chloroform as much as 100 ml
for 1-2 days. Then separated with a separating funnel and retrieved phase
kloroformnya. Phase lag of base added with chloroform,
given the same treatment and again. Chloroform phase was obtained
put together, analyzed by TLC using eluent methanol: ammonia
(100:1,5), were tested for the presence of alkaloids with Dragendorff reagent.
Further purified by column chromatography using an eluent
same. Fractions obtained, on TLC again with the reagents and eluent
same. Positive fractions containing alkaloids put together, evaporated
until it forms a residue. Then the residue obtained was measured melting point
and analyzed by GC, IR, UV-vis, and 1H NMR.

examples of white pepper seeds

            Basic character of the various alkaloids are used to isolate it. Alkaloids taken into dilute aqueous acid (usually hydrochloric acid, citric, or tartaric) and a neutral or acidic components of mixed origin are separated by solvent extraction.

4.    Jelaskan keterkaitan diantara biosintesis, metode isolasi dan penentuan struktur senyawa bahan alam . Berikan contohnya.
Di dalam melakukan sebuah penenlitian keterkaitan biosintesis , isolasi sangat berpengaruh terhadap penentuan struktur senyawanya, dan penentuan struktur tersebut di dapatkan dari analisis melalui biosintesis dan metode isolasi senyawa tersebut . misalnya saja pada tanaman daun sukun Serbuk kering daun sukun (1 kg) dimaserasi dengan metanol (3x24 jam). Ekstrak metanol dikeringkan pada tekanan rendah dan seluruh ekstrak tersebut difraksinasi dalam etil asetat dan air, dan diperoleh fraksi etil asetat sebanyak 20 g setelah pelarutnya diuapkan. Fraksi etil asetat yang difraksinasi lebih lanjut dengan teknik kromatografi vakum cair (KVC) menggunakan silika gel sebagai fasa diam dan n-heksana:etil asetat (15:5, 7:3, 6:4, dan 1:1) sebagai fasa gerak (eluen) menghasilkan lima fraksi utama
(fraksi A-E), dengan berat masing-masing 0,23, 1,46, 3,64, 0,8, dan 0,74 g. Fraksi B (1,46 g) difraksinasi lebih lanjut dengan teknik yang sama (silika gel, eluen n-heksana:etil asetat = 17:3, 4:1, dan 15:5) menghasilkan tiga fraksi B1-B3. Fraksi B2 (525 mg) yang dimurnikan secara berulang-ulang menggunakan teknik kromatografi radial (silika gel, eluen nheksana: CHCl3:metanol=19:19:2) menghasilkan senyawa 1 (100 mg) dan senyawa 2 (55 mg). Dengan menggunakan teknik yang sama, pemurnian fraksi B3 (420 mg) menghasilkan senyawa 1 (200 mg).2.3 Penentuan struktur Struktur molekul senyawa 1 dan 2 ditetapkan berdasarkan hasil analisis data spektroskopi, yang meliputi spektrum UV, IR, dan NMR. Spektrum UV diukur dalam larutan menggunakan pelarut metanol,dengan pereaksi geser NaOH. Spektrum IR ditentukan dalam bentuk padatan pelet KBr, dan spektrum NMR diukur dalam pelarut CDCl3 dan aseton-d6.

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