Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


Types of waste can be a beta lactam liquid waste, solid, air, and noise. Liquid waste from the production of beta-lactam building a washing tool / machine. Solid waste container in the form of raw materials used beta-lactam antibiotics, beta-lactam raw materials are damaged, plastic cans, waste production, and the finished product defective beta-lactam antibiotics. Air waste in the form of beta-lactam antibiotic production of dust. Waste production of the sound coming from the engine, generator, engine support systems (AHU).
Waste Management of beta-lactam is as follows:
a. Liquid Waste
Liquid waste from the building flows into the bed of beta lactam / beta-lactam ring of destruction pool by using NaOH solution, after it is passed / non liquid wastes combined with beta-lactams in the reservoirs, and so on processed together.
b. Solid Waste
Solid waste containers that contain a beta-lactam antibiotics are washed and rinsed thoroughly with clean water in the washing space in the building of beta-lactam. Washing water is wastewater from buildings that are drawn to beta-lactam ring of beta-lactam like destroyers, while the container which had been washed and rinsed clean the building out of beta lactam and wastes handled as solid waste management in non-beta-lactams.
c. Waste Air
Waste air aspirated and the production of dust collected by dust collector.
d. Sound waste
Sound waste is derived from the production machine, generator, engine support systems (AHU, boilers machinery). Sound waste control measures can be overcome by using ear insert by the workers. Benchmark used for the monitoring of waste is the number of sound and vibration noise inside and outside the plant area measured in accordance with 65 dB maximum noise figure and maximum vibration of 7.5 Hz.
The main principle in waste management is the solution of beta-lactam beta-lactam cicncin. Some ways of solving cicncin beta lactam can be done in the following way (Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 1952):
A. Hydrolysis by raising the pH to 10-12 (can denganNaOH)
2. With the addition of acid hydrolysis
3. Hydrolysis with the addition of mercury chloride
The use of the means by hydrolysis with a pH of 10-12 to become one of the alternative most companies because it is considered safer for the equipment and the processing unit is also environmentally safe and easy bai in handling. If the acid hydrolysis feared could damage equipment pengelohan unit because the nature of corrosive acids that can cause, and if the mercury chloride mercurynya feared unfriendly or unsafe for the environment.
The results from the hydrolysis tank flowed into the neutralization tank to neutralize alkaline hydrolysis with NaOH after the addition of HCl so that the resulting pH is in accordance with normal pH is 6-9. Setela neutralization process then continued with the deposition process. Adsorbs to organic matter and a ring beta-lactam that may remain in the wastewater, as well as to eliminate the possibility of the presence of heavy metal content, the beta-lactam treatment unit equipped with a tub filtration. Produced from waste treatment unit of beta lactam can then be measured by HPLC (hig Performance Liqiud Cromatography).

2 komentar:

  1. Thanks for your information Miss Pauline,,,,
    But I still confuse....
    please explain ->
    * The mechanism of formation of lactam tobe a waste lactams
    * What causes the lactam turned into waste lactams
    * What is the use of waste lactams in a life everyday
    * And is there any impact from the waste lactams?

    thanks before (-.-)"

  2. hy pauline
    why in the processing of waste should lactam hydrolysis by means of the addition of mercury chloride??
